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An expression must consist of either operands or operators. An operand is either an integer (e.g. 12), a real number (e.g. 7.28), or a number in scientific notation (e.g. 6.02e23, where the 'e' means 'times ten to the power of'). The operators are listed in the table below.

Operators are evaluated in the order of their precedence. If two operators of equal precedence are adjacent (e.g. 3+5-1, or 3*5/2) they will be performed left-to-right. Parenthesis may be used to force operators of lesser precedence to be evaluated first (e.g. 5*(3+4) will perform the addition first).

Note: All trigonometric operators interpret its operand as an angle in radians.

Valid Operators
PrecedenceOperatorDescriptionExampleExample Result
-Subtract3-1 (binary op)
-4 (unary op)
3^Power: n^m means nm, or n to the power of m.2^416
dDice Roll: ndm means roll n m-sided dice and add the results together
Note that n >= 1 and m >= 2. if n is not present, an implicit 1 is assumed.
3d6Varies from 3 to 18
rootn root m means the mth root of n.
Note that m = 2 is the same as the sqrt operator, and that m = 3 is the cube root of n.
9 root 23
PPermutation: nPk is the number of permutations of n things taken k at a time.
Note that n and k must be integers, that n >= 0 and n >= k >= 0.
CCombination: nCk is the number of combinations of n things taken k at a time.
Note that n and k must be integers, that n >= 0 and n >= k >= 0.
4sqrtSquare rootsqrt 52.236068
logCommon (base-10) logarithm.log 2002.301029996
lnNatural (Napierian, or base-e) logarithm.ln 202.99573227
expExponential of x, or ex.exp 5148.41315910
sinSine of x, where x is in radians.sin 0.5235987560.5
cosCosine of x, where x is in radians.cos 1.047197550.5
tanTangent of x, where x is in radians.tan 0.78539816341.0
cscCosecant of x, where x is in 0.5235987562.0
secSecant of x, where x is in radians.sec 1.047197552.0
cotCotangent of x, where x is in radians.cot 0.78539816341.0
versVersine of x, where x is in radians.
coversCoversine of x, where x is in radians.
havHaversine of x, where x is in radians.
exsecExsecant of x, where x is in radians.
asinArcsine, or inverse sine, of x. The result will be in radians.asin 0.50.523598756
acosArccosine, or inverse cosine, of x. The result will be in radians.acos 0.86602540.523598756
atanArctangent, or inverse tangent, of x. The result will be in radians.atan 1.00.7853981634
aversArc-versine, or inverse versine, of x. The result will be in radians.
acoversArc-coversine, or inverse coversine, of x. The result will be in radians.
ahavArc-haversine of, or inverse haversine, x. The result will be in radians.
aexsecArc-exsecant of, or inverse exsecant, x. The result will be in radians.
sinhHyperbolic sine of x.sinh 1.01.1752012
coshHyperbolic cosine of x.cosh 1.01.5430806
tanhHyperbolic tangent of x.tanh 1.00.761594156
cschHyperbolic cosecant of x.csch 1.00.85091813
sechHyperbolic secant of x.sech 1.00.64805247
cothHyperbolic cotangent of x.coth 1.01.313035285
5piThe constant pipi3.14159265359
eThe constant e, base of the natural logarithmse2.71828182846
!Factorial: n! = n*(n-1)*(n-2)*...*2*15!120